
Friday, August 05, 2005


Please make the best answer for each question.
  1. Colossians 2:17 says that "the Sabbath days are a shadow of things to come," which means that

  2. there will be many new things to come
    the Jewish Sabbath gives us a shadowy picture of the true Sabbath.
    the instructions given in the Old Testament tell us exactly how we must observe our New Testament
    None of the above

  3. In Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus tells us that if we come to him, he will give us

  4. eternal life
    rest for our souls
    whatever we ask him for
    none of the above

  5. To "dispise" God's Word means to

  6. hate it
    see the wisdom in it
    trust what God says in it
    enjoy reading it

  7. What God really wants in the Third Commandment is that we

  8. do absolutely no work on Sunday
    worship only on Saturday, the true Sabbath
    regard His Word as essential for our lives, holy, true so that we hear and learn it every day
    just attend a worship service once a week

  9. We observe special days, such as Sunday and festival days

  10. because this is the only way to show God our love
    not because we have to, but because we want to feed our faith
    only because God will punish us if we don't
    none of the above

  11. "Epiphany" is a Greek word meaning "appearance " or "showing" and is

  12. a season in the Church Year
    falls just before Christmas
    is symbolized by black altar paraments or (clothes)
    has nothing to do with the church

  13. 'Pentecost" is a Greek word meaning

  14. 40 days

  15. The word "Sabbath" means

  16. vacation

  17. Something that is extremely valuable is_____ .

  18. dross

  19. The people who were described as noble minded in Act 17:10-11 were the

  20. Spanish
    from Berea

To check you score hit the Grade Me button. May God bless you study and the use of this knowledge.

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