Bible Quizes

This Blog is for testing your knowledge of the Six Chief Parts of Luther's Small Catechism. It is a project under construction. If you would like to try the quiz and review your knowledge these quizzes are mean for you. If you'd like to assist the project send question for inclusion to me.

Location: Bay City, Michigan, United States

Jolly John is an agent of laughter. This is not the same as a comedian or a clown. As an agent of laughter he shares the joys and the good health benefits of laughing for "no Good Reason". While serving over 25 years as a parish pastor and seeing how deeply our culture is marinated in negativity, John choose to do something to counteract this trend. I now spend my days thinking about good things and sharing the skills of positivity and happiness. This blog is an attempt to spread the word.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


I am a Christian, who believes in God's Word as taught in Luther's Small Catechism, I'm concerned about who and what Christian's of all denominations and non-denomination are believing. I recognize that we have many different interpretations of the means of what God has said in His Word, but I know as one of my sainted professors always said, "No word has meaning outside of it's context." It is these contextual meanings that can lead to misunderstanding, especially if one doesn't know the context.  For example, an American talking about a "boot" most likely is talking about something you wear on your foot, but someone from Britain would be talking about the trunk of his or her car. So to understand one needs to know the context of the person doing the writing or speaking.  Most of the time we have little problem picking up on these subtle differences, but major conflicts happen because words have been misunderstood or taken "out of context".  This is why I believe continued study of God's Word is so important.  The little quizzes, games or puzzles shared here are to help us learn the words and concept of our faith in Jesus.


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